Most Important Business Abbreviations and Acronyms


Most Important Business Abbreviations and Acronyms

This post include most important abbreviations and acronyms (80)

  1. Acct – Account
  2. Ad– Advertisement
  3. Approx – Approximately
  4. APR – Annual percentage rate
  5. BS- Bachelor of Science Degree
  6. B2B – Business to business
  7. BA – Bachelor of Business Administration Degree
  8. CEO – Chief Executive Officer
  9. CFO – Chief Financial Officer
  10. Co. – Company
  11. Corp. – Corporation
  12. CSR – Customer Sales Representative
  13. Dept. – Department
  14. Div – Division
  15. Ea. – Each
  16. EST – Eastern Standard Time (the time on the East Coast of the United States and some Canadian provinces)
  17. FAQ – Frequently Asked Question
  18. FWD – Forward
  19. GDP – Gross Domestic Product
  20. Govt. – Government
  21. HQ – Headquarters
  22. Inc. – Incorporated
  23. ISO – International Organization for Standardization
  24. Jr. – Junior
  25. Lb. – Pound (weight)
  26. LLC – Limited liability company
  27. Max – Maximm
  28. MBA – Master of Business Administration Degree
  29. Memo- Memorandum
  30. Mfg– Manufacturing
  31. Min. – Minium
  32. Mo – Month
  33. No – Number
  34. Pkg – Package
  35. PO – Purchase order
  36. PR – Public relations
  37. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 – First quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter
  38. Qty – Quantity
  39. R&D  – Research and Development
  40. Re – In regards to, regarding
  41. Recd. – Received
  42. ROI – Return on Investment
  43. SWOT – Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
  44. Temp – Temporary Secretary
  45. VP – Vice President
  46. W/ – With
  47. W/O – Without
  48. Yr. – Year
  49. 404 – Abbreviation for the “Error 404 – Not Found” message displayed when coming across a dead link online.  Can also mean lost or confused, e.g. “After coming out of the weekly staff meeting, I still felt 404.”
  50. COOP – Continuity of operations planning.
  51. EOM – End of message.
  52. EOT – End of thread.
  53. ESP – Email service provider
  54. FWIW –  “For what it’s worth.”  Commonly used in email communications.
  55. IAM – “In a meeting.”
  56. IM – instant message.
  57. IMO – “In my opinion.”  Commonly used in email communications or IMHO – “in my humble opinion.”
  58. KPI – Key performance indicator.
  59. KRA – Key result area.
  60. MBO – Management by objectives.
  61. NSFW – Not Safe For Work.  Your college buddy has just sent you a link titled “Check this out! (NSFW).”   Don’t click on it if you value your job.
  62. NWR – Not work related.
  63. OLT – Online Training.
  64. OTP – “On the phone.”
  65. RACI – tool used to assign roles and responsibilities to team members.  Stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed.
  66. ROWE – Results Only Work Environment.
  67. SMART – used in goal setting, it stands for Specific, Measureable, Attainable or Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
  68. SME – subject matter expert.
  69. SNS – Social network site.
  70. SOHO – Small Office / Home Office.
  71. VC – Virtual Class.
  72. VLE – Virtual learning environment.
  73. VPN – Virtual private network.
  74. VW – virtual worker.
  75. VWVW – virtual worker at virtual workplace.
  76. WAH – Work At Home, see WFH.
  77. WBT – Web-based training.
  78. WIIFM – “What’s in it for me?”
  79. WFH – Work From Home.
  80. 401k – A common type of US retirement savings plan



