Category: Vocabulary
Some Verbs With TO + INFINITIVE and Examples;
Rarely Used Connectors-Conjunctions-Transitions in English;
List of Action Verbs;
Idiomatic expressions have long played an important role in the English language. In fact, the use of idioms is so widespread that an understanding of these expressions is essential …
Collocations; make money, make progress, make lunch, make time, take a photo, take a chance etc.
take a break, take a look, take a class, take a chance, take a test, take a taxi, take a seat, take a nap and take a rest;
100 Most Frequently Used English Idioms;
Nouns with relatively easy suffixes ACY (CY) privacy, legacy, fallacy, accuracy, adequacy, delicacy, obstinacy, literacy, intimacy, intricacy;
Synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. There are some academic words and synonyms;
Academic verb list (The most common verbs used in academic writing);