10 Common Mistakes in English Grammar Even Smart People Make

10 Common Mistakes in English Grammar Even Smart People Make

1. Regardless vs. Thaw

Sufficient and don’t need and prefix muching them up.

2. Bring vs. Take

People bring things toward you and take things away from you.

3. I, Me and Myself

‘Mark and I went to the meeting.’ ‘The CEO met with Mark and me.

The easy way to remember this one is to imagine removing the other person’s name. It would sound weird to say ‘The CEO met with I,’ right?

As for ‘myself’ only use it if ‘me’ or ‘I’ would sound awkward in its place, such as ‘I kept the secret to myself.

‘ Saying ‘Mark and myself will attendthe meeting only makes a speaker look silly when a simple ‘I’ would have sufficed.

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10 common mistakes in english grammar even smart people make

One Response

  1. umar 5 February 2016