Categories: General

100 Astronomy Words List, Astronomical Terms

100 Astronomy Words List, Astronomical Terms

1. dwarf star

2. ionosphere

3. radiation

4. sun

5. north star

6. roche limit

7. parallax

8. kirkwood gaps

9. hydrogen

10. visual magnitude

11. wavelength

12. light-year

13. syzygy

14. black body

15. umbra

16. radiant

17. astronomer

18. light year

19. flare

20. oort cloud

21. quarter moon

22. perturbation

23. barlow lens

24. zodiac

25. nasa

26. nebula

27. mare

28. azimuth

29. black hole

30. planetary nebula

31. wormhole

32. pluto

33. spectrum

34. axial tilt

35. interstellar dust

36. spectroscope

37. celestial

38. terrestrial

39. big bang theory

40. dust

41. gravitational lens

42. rings

43. cluster

44. synodic

45. dark matter

46. pole star

47. geostationary

48. heliocentric

49. pulsar

50. day

51. background radiation

52. gegenschein

53. binary star

54. cislunar

55. solar wind

56. blue moon

57. cosmic

58. inner planets

59. mercury

60. astronomy

61. neutron star

62. red giant star

63. moon

64. absolute magnitude

65. twinkling

66. translunar

67. free fall

68. outer planets

69. inferior planets

70. solar system

71. penumbra

72. gibbous moon

73. perihelion

74. supernova

75. meteor

76. new moon

77. sidereal

78. coriolis force

79. flyby

80. deneb

81. gas giant

82. gravitational

83. orbital eccentricity

84. lunar

85. ecliptic

86. helium

87. x-rays

88. mars

89. conjunction

90. astronomical unit

91. apogee

92. nova

93. mass

94. comet

95. transneptunian

96. universe

97. white giant

98. red shift

99. white dwarf

100. interstellar



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