Categories: General

100 Most Common English Words and Meaning

100 Most Common English Words and Meaning

1. wet

Meaning; damp, moist, tacky, liquid, watery

2. suddenly

Meaning; abruptly, sharp, at once, short

3. funny

Meaning; comic, comical, ridiculous, humorous

4. confused

Meaning; mixed, complicated, complex, combined

5. increase

Meaning; rise, increment, rising, up, enhancement

6. condone

Meaning; forgive, excuse, pardon, absolve, release

7. among

Meaning; between, amongst, amid

8. evolution


9. severe

Meaning; vigorous, violent, intense, heavy, strong

10. found

Meaning; establish, set up, install, build, set

11. joy

Meaning; delight, pleasure, rejoicing, gladness

12. nephew

Meaning; a son of one’s brother or sister

13. compliment

Meaning; attention, kindness, bouquet, sugar, taffy

14. inhibit

Meaning; embarrass, fetter, hinder, obstruct

15. connection

Meaning; link, linkage, contact, communication

16. thought

Meaning; opinion, thinking, idea, mind, consideration

17. noble

Meaning; royal, aristocratic, dignified, grand, sublime

18. frugal

Meaning; thrifty, sparing, prudent, careful, saving

19. join

Meaning; participate, attend, take part

20. they

Meaning; used to refer to two or more people or things

21. thank you

Meaning; appreciation

22. fire

Meaning; blaze

23. helpful

Meaning; useful, beneficial, utility, advantageous

24. borrow

Meaning; raise a loan, take on loan

25. affect

Meaning; influence, impress, thrill, touch, turn

26. certain

Meaning; specific, particular, set, definite, precise

27. equal

Meaning; equivalent, even, tantamount

28. space

Meaning; area, field, space, domain

29. as

Meaning; like, kind of

30. poop

Meaning; fart, break wind

31. rural

Meaning; country, rustic, pastoral, agrarian, countrified

32. soul

Meaning; spirit, psyche, ghost

33. burglar

Meaning; thief, robber, lifter

34. response

Meaning; answer, reply

35. logical

Meaning; sensible, reasonable, rational, plausible

36. harsh

Meaning; rigid, tough, stiff, solid

37. prove

Meaning; demonstrate, show, be contented with

38. procrastination

Meaning; suspension, delay, postponement

39. impact

Meaning; effect, influence, action, effectiveness

40. regret

Meaning; remorse, repentance, contrition

41. extensive

Meaning; wide, broad, spacious, large, vast

42. literally

Meaning; word for word, word by word

43. function

Meaning; mission, duty, task

44. sin

Meaning; transgression, evil, wrongdoing, iniquity

45. believe

Meaning; trust, credit, rely, put faith in, esteem

46. succeed

Meaning; get ahead, prosper, speed

47. many

Meaning; very, many, numerous, plenty, good

48. mandatory

Meaning; compulsory, obligatory, necessary, forced

49. above

Meaning; upstairs, hereinabove, supra, afore

50. tool

Meaning; vehicle, means, instrument

51. go

Meaning; move from one place to another

52. awesome

Meaning; terrible, horrible, awful

53. get

Meaning; come to have or hold; receive.

54. knowledge

Meaning; information, info, data, instructions, notice

55. pain

Meaning; ache, soreness, discomfort, affliction, spasm

56. cry

Meaning; weep, weeping, wail, whimper

57. atmosphere

Meaning; aura, aureola, aureole

58. narrow

Meaning; tight, acute, constricted, strait, parochial

59. prefix

Meaning; affix

60. a lot

Meaning; very, much, many, numerous, plenty

61. united

Meaning; combined, joint, integrated, connected

62. lovely

Meaning; nice, beautiful, good, pretty, fine

63. light

Meaning; lamp, luminary, gleam

64. find

Meaning; discover, devise, meet, ascertain, strike

65. alive

Meaning; live, alive, living, lively, vibrant, vivid

66. example

Meaning; sample, instance, model, specimen, pattern

67. dilate

Meaning; widen, broaden, enlarge, expand, amplify

68. fine

Meaning; thin, slim, subtle, slender, delicate

69. wisdom

Meaning; erudition, savoir vivre, wisdom, reason

70. assist

Meaning; help, aid, lend assistance

71. rude

Meaning; rough, coarse, bearish, crude, vulgar

72. suspicious

Meaning; suspect, skeptical, doubtful

73. incorporate

Meaning; anonymous, incorporated, joint-stock

74. against

Meaning; opposite, counter, before, con

75. problem

Meaning; question, issue, trouble, difficulty, cause

76. judge

Meaning; adjudicator, justice, commissioner

77. strong

Meaning; powerful, robust, potent, mighty, vigorous

78. evolve

Meaning; thrive, develop, improve, evolve, grow

79. fox

Meaning; cheat, deceive, spoof; vixen

80. float

Meaning; bathe, ride, shave, strike out, swim; buoy

81. refers

Meaning; apply, consult, resort

82. punctual

Meaning; precise, prompt, exact, minute, rigorous

83. compare

Meaning; crosscheck, check, match

84. inferior

Meaning; lower, under, subordinate, subaltern; quality

85. advantage

Meaning; benefit, advance, vantage, head start, odds

86. heaven

Meaning; paradise, Eden, glory, Elysium, pie

87. consideration

Meaning; importance, stature, significance, matter

88. frustrated

Meaning; disappointed

89. satisfied

Meaning; pleased, happy, glad, delighted, content

90. derived

Meaning; derive, reproduce, remove

91. relationship

Meaning; intercourse, correlation, affair, connection

92. maintain

Meaning; protect, preserve, keep, guard, safeguard

93. lucid

Meaning; clear, limpid, bright, crystalline

94. honor

Meaning; pride, face, self-respect

95. silly

Meaning; stupid, foolish, dumb, daft, goofy

96. lastly

Meaning; finally, last, terminally

97. given

Meaning; past participle of give

98. contribute

Meaning; conduce, lend, subscribe, subscribe to

99. shop

Meaning; store, emporium, shebang

100. tension

Meaning; voltage, potential, intensity



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