100 Present Perfect Tense Example Sentences

100 Present Perfect Tense Example Sentences

1. Please wait, I have written the report.

2. Samuel has not come yet.

3. She has found her lost keys.

4. They have bought the notebook.

5. I have already made several calls.

6. The thieves have looted the house.

7. He has never eaten chicken.

8. It hasn’t rained so far.

9. Her mother has lived there since 2001.

10. They have had the same experience!

11. We have constructed a bridge.

12. My mother has not washed the dishes.

13. I have already written the report.

14. The officer has not typed the letter yet.

15. Mary has washed her car.

16. Have you packed your bag yet?

17. I have never been to USA.

18. Samuel hasn’t called for eight months.

19. Have you finished reading the newspaper yet?

20. I have never seen a famous person.

21. They’ve not played basketball.

22. I’ve saved money for a new house.

23. He has gone on vacation.

24. Has your brother finished decorating yet?

25. I have had five quizzes and six tests so far this holiday.

26. We have just bought a new car.

27. I have lived in London for 3 years.

28. He has just scored a goal.

29. She has worked here for six years.

30. I have never done that before, please do not blame me for this behavior.

31. I have not finished my homework yet

32. Have you ever been married?

33. My brother has run 10 miles.

34. He has forgotten his keys.

35. I have already paid the bills.

36. I’ve visited four of our clients today.

37. Have you done your homework?

38. Have you written a letter?

39. We have lost my keys.

40. Have you seen that film before?

41. They haven’t phoned me.

42. My sister has had a baby.

43. Have you ever seen this band before?

44. I have not been to school for 2 years.

45. I have prayed for him a lot.

46. Oh my god, you have grown since the last time I saw you.

47. You have listened to Madonna in the concert.

48. George has never traveled with a train.

49. Have you just finished homework?

50. My son has never traveled by train.

51. We have just finished my homework.

52. He’s taken the cat to the park.

53. Havent they ever been to Brasil?

54. They have already finished their trip.?

55. They have not approved this behavior, so change it as soon as possible.

56. Have you finished the job?

57. Doctors have found a cure for many diseases.

58. Has not George come yet?

59. I have been to London 2 times.

60. I have cleaned my room.

61. My sister has just gone to bed.

62. I have already ironed the shirts.

63. He hasn’t finished the homework.

64. I have been so busy today!

65. The girl has just finished her homework.

66. You have just spent all of your money.

67. They have been here since 10 pm.

68. The students have asked too many questions.

69. They have earned a lot of money thanks our job.

70. I have written five reports so far this year.

71. She has never been to England.

72. She has left the house.

73. Nobody has ever said that to me before.

74. Have you ever been to Austin?

75. I have been her friend for twenty years.

76. Who have you spoken with?

77. The painter has drawn many pictures.

78. I haven’t seen her since she got off work.

79. I have been in Texas 5 years ago.

80. The telephone has rung all morning.

81. Has the post arrived yet?

82. I haven’t seen my mother for 6 years.

83. My son has earned money.

84. They have never met that man before.

85. Have you ever been to Mexico?

86. I haven’t noticed anything odd going on.

87. I have made you a cup of coffee.

88. I have ever seen the lake.

89. The three men have just fought in the street.

90. She has never been here.

91. We have swum since childhood.

92. Alexis has run three miles.

93. We have stayed in the pool since at 3 o’clock.

94. Football teams have scored a lot of goals season.

95. Where has your brother gone?

96. I have painted the outside of the house.

97. He has written several books

98. They have not taken the schedule yet.

99. I haven’t eaten meat for 3 weeks.

100. I have seen that movie already.