Categories: General

1000 Adjectives Words List, Most Important Adjectives Vocabulary

1000 Adjectives Words List, Most Important Adjectives Vocabulary

id adjective
1 abhorrent
2 abiding
3 abject
4 able
5 able-bodied
6 abnormal
7 abounding
8 abrasive
9 abrupt
10 absolute
11 absorbed
12 absorbing
13 abstracted
14 absurd
15 abundant
16 abusive
17 abysmal
18 academic
19 acceptable
20 accepting
21 accessible
22 accidental
23 acclaimed
24 accommodating
25 accompanying
26 accountable
27 accurate
28 accusative
29 accused
30 accusing
31 acerbic
32 achievable
33 aching
34 acid
35 acidic
36 active
37 actual
38 ad hoc
39 adamant
40 adaptable
41 adaptive
42 addicted
43 addictive
44 additional
45 adept
46 adequate
47 adhesive
48 adjacent
49 adjoining
50 adjustable
51 administrative
52 admirable
53 admired
54 admiring
55 adopted
56 adoptive
57 adorable
58 adored
59 adoring
60 adrenalized
61 adroit
62 adult
63 advanced
64 advantageous
65 adventurous
66 adversarial
67 advisable
68 aerial
69 affable
70 affected
71 affectionate
72 affirmative
73 affordable
74 afraid
75 afternoon
76 ageless
77 aggravated
78 aggravating
79 aggressive
80 agitated
81 agonizing
82 agrarian
83 agreeable
84 aimless
85 airline
86 airsick
87 ajar
88 alarmed
89 alarming
90 alone
91 aloof
92 alterable
93 alternating
94 alternative
95 amazed
96 amazing
97 ambiguous
98 ambitious
99 ambulant
100 ambulatory
101 amiable
102 amicable
103 amphibian
104 amused
105 amusing
106 an
107 ancient
108 anecdotal
109 anemic
110 angelic
111 angered
112 angry
113 angular
114 animal
115 animated
116 annoyed
117 annoying
118 annual
119 anonymous
120 another
121 antagonistic
122 anticipated
123 anticlimactic
124 anticorrosive
125 antiquated
126 antiseptic
127 antisocial
128 antsy
129 anxious
130 any
131 apathetic
132 apologetic
133 apologizing
134 appalling
135 appealing
136 appetizing
137 applauding
138 applicable
139 applicative
140 appreciative
141 approximate
142 aquatic
143 architectural
144 ardent
145 arduous
146 arguable
147 argumentative
148 arid
149 aristocratic
150 aromatic
151 arresting
152 arrogant
153 artful
154 artificial
155 artistic
156 artless
157 ashamed
158 aspiring
159 assertive
160 assignable
161 assorted
162 assumable
163 assured
164 assuring
165 astonished
166 astonishing
167 astounded
168 astounding
169 astringent
170 astronomical
171 astute
172 asymmetrical
173 athletic
174 atomic
175 atrocious
176 attachable
177 attainable
178 attentive
179 attractive
180 attributable
181 atypical
182 audacious
183 auspicious
184 autonomous
185 available
186 avant-garde
187 avenging
188 average
189 avian
190 avid
191 avoidable
192 awake
193 awakening
194 aware
195 away
196 awesome
197 awful
198 awkward
199 axiomatic
200 babbling
201 baby
202 background
203 backhanded
204 bacterial
205 banned
206 bantering
207 barbaric
208 barbarous
209 barbequed
210 barefooted
211 barking
212 barren
213 bashful
214 basic
215 battered
216 batty
217 bawling
218 beady
219 beaming
220 bearable
221 beautiful
222 beckoning
223 befuddled
224 beginning
225 belching
226 believable
227 bellicose
228 belligerent
229 bellowing
230 bendable
231 beneficial
232 benevolent
233 benign
234 bent
235 berserk
236 best
237 betrayed
238 biased
239 biblical
240 big
241 big-city
242 bigger
243 biggest
244 big-headed
245 bighearted
246 bigoted
247 bilingual
248 billable
249 billowy
250 binary
251 binding
252 bioactive
253 biting
254 bitter
255 bizarre
256 bland
257 blank
258 blaring
259 blasphemous
260 blatant
261 blazing
262 bleached
263 bleak
264 bleary
265 bleary-eyed
266 blessed
267 blind
268 blindfolded
269 blinding
270 blissful
271 blistering
272 bloated
273 blonde
274 bloodied
275 blood-red
276 bloodthirsty
277 bloody
278 blooming
279 blossoming
280 blue
281 blundering
282 blunt
283 bookish
284 booming
285 boorish
286 bordering
287 bored
288 boring
289 born
290 bossy
291 both
292 bothered
293 bouncing
294 bouncy
295 boundless
296 bountiful
297 boyish
298 braided
299 brainless
300 brainy
301 brash
302 brassy
303 brave
304 brawny
305 brazen
306 breakable
307 breathable
308 breathless
309 breathtaking
310 breezy
311 bribable
312 brick
313 brief
314 bright
315 bright-eyed
316 bright-red
317 brilliant
318 briny
319 brisk
320 bristly
321 broad
322 bronze
323 bronzed
324 brooding
325 brown
326 bruised
327 brunette
328 brutal
329 brutish
330 bubbly
331 budget
332 built-in
333 bulky
334 bumpy
335 bungling
336 buoyant
337 bureaucratic
338 burly
339 burnable
340 burning
341 bushy
342 busiest
343 business
344 bustling
345 busy
346 buzzing
347 cackling
348 caged
349 cagey
350 calculable
351 calculated
352 calculating
353 callous
354 calm
355 calming
356 camouflaged
357 cancelled
358 cancerous
359 candid
360 cantankerous
361 capable
362 capricious
363 captivated
364 captivating
365 captive
366 carefree
367 careful
368 caustic
369 cautious
370 cavalier
371 cavernous
372 ceaseless
373 celebrated
374 celestial
375 centered
376 central
377 cerebral
378 ceremonial
379 certain
380 certifiable
381 certified
382 challenged
383 challenging
384 chance
385 changeable
386 changing
387 chanting
388 charging
389 charismatic
390 charitable
391 charmed
392 charming
393 chattering
394 chatting
395 chatty
396 chauvinistic
397 cheap
398 cheapest
399 cheeky
400 cheerful
401 cheering
402 cheerless
403 cheery
404 chemical
405 chewable
406 chewy
407 chic
408 chicken
409 chief
410 childish
411 childlike
412 chilling
413 chilly
414 chivalrous
415 choice
416 choking
417 choppy
418 chronological
419 chubby
420 chuckling
421 chunky
422 cinematic
423 circling
424 circular
425 civilian
426 civilized
427 clammy
428 clamoring
429 clandestine
430 clanging
431 clapping
432 clashing
433 classic
434 classical
435 classifiable
436 classified
437 classy
438 clean
439 cleanable
440 clear
441 cleared
442 clearheaded
443 clever
444 climatic
445 climbable
446 clinging
447 clingy
448 clinical
449 cliquish
450 clogged
451 cloistered
452 close
453 closeable
454 closed
455 close-minded
456 cloudless
457 cloudy
458 clownish
459 clueless
460 clumsy
461 cluttered
462 coachable
463 coarse
464 cockamamie
465 cocky
466 codified
467 coercive
468 cognitive
469 coherent
470 cohesive
471 coincidental
472 cold
473 coldhearted
474 collapsing
475 collectable
476 collegial
477 colloquial
478 colonial
479 colorful
480 colorless
481 colossal
482 combative
483 combined
484 comfortable
485 comforted
486 comforting
487 comical
488 commanding
489 commemorative
490 commendable
491 commercial
492 committed
493 common
494 communal
495 communicable
496 communicative
497 communist
498 compact
499 comparable
500 comparative
501 compassionate
502 compelling
503 competent
504 competitive
505 complacent
506 complaining
507 complete
508 completed
509 complex
510 compliant
511 complicated
512 complimentary
513 compulsory
514 computer
515 computerized
516 concealable
517 concealed
518 conceited
519 conceivable
520 concerned
521 concerning
522 concerted
523 concise
524 concurrent
525 condemned
526 condensed
527 condescending
528 conditional
529 confident
530 confidential
531 confirmable
532 confirmed
533 conflicted
534 conflicting
535 conformable
536 confounded
537 confused
538 confusing
539 congenial
540 congested
541 congressional
542 congruent
543 congruous
544 connectable
545 connected
546 connecting
547 connective
548 conscientious
549 conscious
550 consecutive
551 consensual
552 consenting
553 conservative
554 considerable
555 considerate
556 consistent
557 consoling
558 conspicuous
559 conspiratorial
560 constant
561 constitutional
562 constrictive
563 constructive
564 consumable
565 consummate
566 contagious
567 containable
568 contemplative
569 contemporary
570 contemptible
571 contemptuous
572 content
573 contented
574 contentious
575 contextual
576 continual
577 continuing
578 continuous
579 contoured
580 contractual
581 contradicting
582 contradictory
583 contrarian
584 contrary
585 contributive
586 contrite
587 controllable
588 controlling
589 controversial
590 convenient
591 conventional
592 conversational
593 convinced
594 convincing
595 convoluted
596 convulsive
597 cooing
598 cooked
599 cool
600 coolest
601 cooperative
602 coordinated
603 copious
604 coquettish
605 cordial
606 corner
607 cornered
608 corny
609 corporate
610 corpulent
611 correct
612 correctable
613 corrective
614 corresponding
615 corrosive
616 corrupt
617 corrupting
618 corruptive
619 cosmetic
620 cosmic
621 costly
622 cottony
623 coughing
624 courageous
625 courteous
626 covert
627 coveted
628 cowardly
629 cowering
630 coy
631 cozy
632 crabby
633 cracked
634 crackling
635 crafty
636 craggy
637 crammed
638 cramped
639 cranky
640 crashing
641 crass
642 craven
643 crawling
644 crazy
645 creaking
646 creaky
647 creamy
648 creative
649 credible
650 creeping
651 creepy
652 crestfallen
653 criminal
654 crippled
655 crippling
656 crisp
657 crispy
658 critical
659 crooked
660 cropped
661 cross
662 crossed
663 crotchety
664 crowded
665 crucial
666 crude
667 cruel
668 crumbling
669 crumbly
670 crumply
671 crunchable
672 crunching
673 crunchy
674 crushable
675 crushed
676 crusty
677 crying
678 cryptic
679 crystalline
680 crystallized
681 cuddly
682 culpable
683 cultural
684 cultured
685 cumbersome
686 cumulative
687 cunning
688 curable
689 curative
690 curious
691 curly
692 current
693 cursed
694 curt
695 curved
696 curvy
697 customary
698 cut
699 cute
700 cutting
701 cylindrical
702 cynical
703 daffy
704 daft
705 daily
706 dainty
707 damaged
708 damaging
709 damp
710 danceable
711 dandy
712 dangerous
713 dapper
714 daring
715 dark
716 darkened
717 dashing
718 daughterly
719 daunting
720 dawdling
721 day
722 dazed
723 dazzling
724 dead
725 deadly
726 deadpan
727 deaf
728 deafening
729 dear
730 debatable
731 debonair
732 decadent
733 decayed
734 decaying
735 deceitful
736 deceivable
737 deceiving
738 decent
739 decentralized
740 deceptive
741 decimated
742 decipherable
743 decisive
744 declining
745 decorative
746 decorous
747 decreasing
748 decrepit
749 dedicated
750 deep
751 deepening
752 defeated
753 defective
754 defendable
755 defenseless
756 defensible
757 defensive
758 defiant
759 deficient
760 definable
761 definitive
762 deformed
763 degenerative
764 degraded
765 dehydrated
766 dejected
767 delectable
768 deliberate
769 deliberative
770 delicate
771 delicious
772 delighted
773 delightful
774 delinquent
775 delirious
776 deliverable
777 deluded
778 demanding
779 demented
780 democratic
781 demonic
782 demonstrative
783 demure
784 deniable
785 dense
786 dependable
787 dependent
788 deplorable
789 deploring
790 depraved
791 depressed
792 depressing
793 depressive
794 deprived
795 deranged
796 derivative
797 derogative
798 derogatory
799 descriptive
800 deserted
801 designer
802 desirable
803 desirous
804 desolate
805 despairing
806 desperate
807 despicable
808 despised
809 despondent
810 destroyed
811 destructive
812 detachable
813 detached
814 detailed
815 detectable
816 determined
817 detestable
818 detrimental
819 devastated
820 devastating
821 devious
822 devoted
823 devout
824 dexterous
825 diabolical
826 diagonal
827 didactic
828 different
829 difficult
830 diffuse
831 digestive
832 digital
833 dignified
834 digressive
835 dilapidated
836 diligent
837 dim
838 diminishing
839 diminutive
840 dingy
841 diplomatic
842 dire
843 direct
844 direful
845 dirty
846 disabled
847 disadvantaged
848 disagreeable
849 disappearing
850 disappointed
851 disappointing
852 disapproving
853 disarming
854 disastrous
855 discarded
856 discernable
857 disciplined
858 disconnected
859 discontented
860 discordant
861 discouraged
862 discouraging
863 discourteous
864 discredited
865 discreet
866 discriminating
867 discriminatory
868 discussable
869 disdainful
870 diseased
871 disenchanted
872 disgraceful
873 disgruntled
874 disgusted
875 disgusting
876 disheartened
877 disheartening
878 dishonest
879 dishonorable
880 disillusioned
881 disinclined
882 disingenuous
883 disinterested
884 disjointed
885 dislikeable
886 disliked
887 disloyal
888 dismal
889 dismissive
890 disobedient
891 disorderly
892 disorganized
893 disparaging
894 disparate
895 dispassionate
896 dispensable
897 displaced
898 displeased
899 displeasing
900 disposable
901 disputatious
902 disputed
903 disreputable
904 disrespectful
905 disruptive
906 dissatisfied
907 dissimilar
908 dissolvable
909 dissolving
910 dissonant
911 dissuasive
912 distant
913 distasteful
914 distinct
915 distinctive
916 distinguished
917 distracted
918 distracting
919 distraught
920 distressed
921 distressing
922 distrustful
923 disturbed
924 disturbing
925 divergent
926 diverging
927 diverse
928 diversified
929 divided
930 divine
931 divisive
932 dizzy
933 dizzying
934 doable
935 documentary
936 dogged
937 doggish
938 dogmatic
939 doleful
940 dollish
941 domed
942 domestic
943 dominant
944 domineering
945 dorsal
946 doting
947 double
948 doubtful
949 doubting
950 dovish
951 dowdy
952 down
953 down-and-out
954 downward
955 dozing
956 drab
957 drained
958 dramatic
959 drastic
960 dreaded
961 dreadful
962 dreaming
963 dreamy
964 dreary
965 drenched
966 dress
967 dressy
968 dried
969 dripping
970 drivable
971 driven
972 droll
973 drooping
974 droopy
975 drowsy
976 drunk
977 dry
978 dual
979 dubious
980 due
981 dulcet
982 dull
983 duplicitous
984 durable
985 dusty
986 dutiful
987 dwarfish
988 dwindling
989 dynamic
990 dysfunctional
991 each
992 eager
993 early
994 earnest
995 earthy
996 east
997 eastern
998 easy
999 eatable
1000 eccentric


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