200 Astronomy Words List, Astronomical Terms
1. dwarf star
2. ionosphere
3. radiation
4. sun
5. north star
6. roche limit
7. parallax
8. kirkwood gaps
9. hydrogen
10. visual magnitude
11. wavelength
12. light-year
13. syzygy
14. black body
15. umbra
16. radiant
17. astronomer
18. light year
19. flare
20. oort cloud
21. quarter moon
22. perturbation
23. barlow lens
24. zodiac
25. nasa
26. nebula
27. mare
28. azimuth
29. black hole
30. planetary nebula
31. wormhole
32. pluto
33. spectrum
34. axial tilt
35. interstellar dust
36. spectroscope
37. celestial
38. terrestrial
39. big bang theory
40. dust
41. gravitational lens
42. rings
43. cluster
44. synodic
45. dark matter
46. pole star
47. geostationary
48. heliocentric
49. pulsar
50. day
51. background radiation
52. gegenschein
53. binary star
54. cislunar
55. solar wind
56. blue moon
57. cosmic
58. inner planets
59. mercury
60. astronomy
61. neutron star
62. red giant star
63. moon
64. absolute magnitude
65. twinkling
66. translunar
67. free fall
68. outer planets
69. inferior planets
70. solar system
71. penumbra
72. gibbous moon
73. perihelion
74. supernova
75. meteor
76. new moon
77. sidereal
78. coriolis force
79. flyby
80. deneb
81. gas giant
82. gravitational
83. orbital eccentricity
84. lunar
85. ecliptic
86. helium
87. x-rays
88. mars
89. conjunction
90. astronomical unit
91. apogee
92. nova
93. mass
94. comet
95. transneptunian
96. universe
97. white giant
98. red shift
99. white dwarf
100. interstellar
101. interplanetary
102. hypernova
103. kuiper belt
104. starlight
105. inertia
106. astronaut
107. quasar
108. crescent moon
109. cosmonaut
110. opposition
111. phase
112. earth
113. yellow dwarf
114. saturn
115. earthbound
116. leap year
117. asterism
118. solstice
119. red dwarf
120. gravitation
121. telemetry
122. observatory
123. occultation
124. exoplanet
125. eclipse
126. transit
127. lens
128. totality
129. aperture
130. infrared
131. h-r diagram
132. uranus
133. hubble’s law
134. mir
135. lagrange points
136. elliptical orbit
137. meteor shower
138. bailey’s beads
139. half moon
140. star
141. falling star
142. hubble telescope
143. nadir
144. neptune
145. orbital inclination
146. celestial equator
147. orbit
148. doppler shift
149. geosynchronous
150. full moon
151. apastron
152. cosmos
153. total eclipse
154. sunspot
155. space station
156. equinox
157. variable star
158. extragalactic
159. deep space
160. crater
161. albedo
162. superior planets
163. planet
164. alpha centauri
165. gravity
166. space exploration
167. minor planet
168. milky way
169. asteroid
170. satellite
171. meteorite
172. drake equation
173. kepler’s laws
174. declination
175. double star
176. van allen belt
177. meteoroid
178. docking
179. escape velocity
180. vernal equinox
181. venus
182. scintillation
183. convection
184. muttnik
185. waning
186. aphelion
187. parsec
188. density
189. intergalactic
190. inclination
191. sky
192. partial eclipse
193. precession
194. ice giant
195. eccentricity
196. hyperbolic orbit
197. kiloparsec
198. local group
199. planetoid
200. terminator
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