Categories: General

40 Noun Sentences Examples

40 Noun Sentences Examples

1. He loves to play basketball.

2. They speak English in USA.

3. It wasn’t me who knocked on your door.

4. That man is not the person you are looking for.

5. She is a mechanical engineer.

6. I play volleyball.

7. They are the smartest kids here.

8. Mary and Alex invited them to the party.

9. I’m not sure about the universe.

10. You don’t teach your cat tricks.

11. I will get myself a coffee.

12. She knows she has to study for exams.

13. She wasn’t eating white rice.

14. My father will come with us today.

15. She does not loves to play piano.

16. There was no peach orchard on site of this building.

17. The dog cannot walk itself.

18. My brother didn’t come home.

19. It wasn’t me knocking on your door.

20. There are neither cars nor people on the street.

21. My father fixed the car himself.

22. I do not drink white wine.

23. My father did not even bother to answer me.

24. You are not an engineer.

25. I have got a sister.

26. Everything was ready for the party.

27. I don’t love dogs.

28. We borrowed her car.

29. We will go to the party.

30. Some people won’t eat spicy foods.

31. Everything is ready for the birthday party.

32. This is mine dog.

33. Alex isn’t telling the truth.

34. They are not from Spain.

35. I bought a new computer.

36. We haven’t been able to go to the village for over three years.

37. Brasil is not a country in Europe.

38. I don’t play volleyball.

39. I’ve lost my umbrella.

40. No one attended the parent meeting.


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