Sentences with Have, Sentences about Have

Sentences with Have, Sentences about Have

  • Although my family have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.
  • Although they have a lot of money, they’re still not happy.
  • They have been watching the Lord of the Kings.
  • My computer is broken but I don’t have money to fix it.
  • They haven’t been studying their books for six days.
  • I would like to have dinner.
  • I would rather have coffee than tea.
  • haven’t seen Alex since high school.
  • haven’t been on holiday since last year.
  • haven’t been riding since I was 15 years old.
  • If you drink alcohol so much, you have a sickness.
  • You have certain privileges and therefore corresponding responsibilities.
  • You should have listened to the teacher.
  • I’m afraid she may have the mumps.
  • have to set a good example.
  • I could have run away from my mother, as I wanted to.
  • Hence I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight.
  • have to use Spanish all day at work.
  • These fragments I have shored against my ruins.
  • You have not been writing.