Categories: Vocabulary

Common Opposites – Antonyms Vocabulary Word List

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Common Opposites – Antonyms  Vocabulary Word List

abandon keep
abbreviate lengthen, increase
ability incompetence, inability
able incapable
above below
abundant scanty, insufficient
accurate wrong
achieve fail
active lethargic, idle, sluggish
adamant maneuverable, yielding
add subtract
adequate insufficient, sparse
adjourn recommence, continue
adult child
advocate oppose
after before
afraid courageous, brave
aggressive passive, peaceful
aid hinder
always never
amateur professional
ambitious lazy, indifferent
antagonize soothe, tranquilize
apparent hidden, obscure
approve disapprove, censure
arrive depart, leave
arrogant humble, modest
artificial real, authentic
ask answer
atrocious kind, wonderful
authentic false, artificial
average unusual, exceptional
awful pleasant
awkward graceful
ban allow, permit
barren fertile, productive
bashful outgoing, assured
beautiful ugly
before after, behind
beginning finish, end
believe doubt, distrust
below above
beneficial harmful, adverse
best worst
birth death, end
blend separate
bottom top
brave cowardly, timid
break repair, heal
brief long
broad narrow
busy idle, inactive
buy sell
calm excited, turbulent
capture free, release
care neglect
careful careless, reckless
cease continue, recommence
certain uncertain, unsure
charming obnoxious, gross, vulgar
chilly warm
chubby thin, skinny
clarify confuse
close open
close far
coarse fine, smooth
colossal tiny, insignificant, trivial
combine separate
comical tragic, sorrowful
complex simple
competent incompetent, inept
comprehend confuse, misinterpret
complete incomplete
complex simple
compress expand
concrete abstract, flimsy
concur disagree
condemn approve
condense expand, enlarge
confess deny
confine free, release
conflict agree
conflict peace, harmony
conform dissent, dispute
confuse clarify
congested empty, unfilled
connect separate, disconnect
conscientious neglectful, careless
conscious unaware, unconscious
consecutive interrupted
conservative radical, extreme
considerate thoughtless, selfish
constantly scarcely, seldom
contaminate purify
contented dissatisfied, unhappy
continue discontinue, stop
convalesce relapse
convenient inconvenient
conventional unusual
correct wrong, incorrect
courage cowardice
courteous rude
cover expose
cozy uncomfortable
cranky good-humored
crazy sane
cruel kind, humane
cry laugh
dally rush
damage remedy, repair
dangerous safe
daring cautious
dark light
dawn evening
dead alive, active
decay bloom, flourish
deduct add
defend attack, assault
defy obey, comply
delicate sturdy
demolish restore
denounce commend
dense sparse, empty
depart arrive
deposit withdraw
desolate dense, verdant
despise love
destitute wealthy
destroy restore
detach attach
deter encourage
determined doubtful
die live
different same, alike
difficult easy
dilute strengthen
diminish increase, amplify
dirty clean
disagree agree
dispute agree
diverse same, similar
divide unite
docile wild, stubborn
dormant awake, active
doubt believe
drab bright
drastic mild, moderate
dreadful splendid, super
dry wet
dubious certain
dull sharp, bright
dumb smart
early late
easy hard
eccentric normal
ecstasy sadness, depression
empty fill
encourage discourage
enemy ally, friend
enjoy dislike, hate
enlarge reduce, shrink
enormous tiny, microscopic
enough insufficient
entirely partly
eternal temporary, passing
evident doubtful, vague
evil good
exceptional ordinary, commonplace
excite compose, calm
exhilarated depressed, dejected, sad
explicit indefinite, unclear
exquisite revolting, repulsive
exterior interior
extravagant meager
fabulous unexciting
face avoid
fair unjust, unfair
fake real, genuine
false true
fancy simple, plain
fantastic ordinary, usual
fast slow
fat thin
feasible impossible
feeble strong
ferocious tame, gentle
fertile unproductive, barren
few many
fiction truth
fill empty
fix break
flaw perfection
flimsy sturdy, strong
flippant polite, respectful
fluid solid
foe friend
follow lead, precede
forbid encourage
former latter
fraction whole
frank evasive
frenzy serenity, calmness
fresh old, stale
friend enemy
frigid warm, hot
frivolous important, serious
front back
full empty
furious calm, placid
future past
gain lose
gallant ungentlemanly
gather scatter, disperse
gaudy tasteful, refined
gaunt overweight, plump
generous selfish, stingy
gentle rough, harsh
genuine fake, phony
gigantic tiny, minute
give take, receive
glad sad, unhappy
gloomy cheery, bright
glorious terrible, awful
good bad, awful
gorgeous hideous, unattractive
gratitude ungratefulness
great insignificant, unimportant
handy inconvenient, inept
hard soft, easy
hate love
help hinder, thwart
high low
hold release, discharge
honest untruthful, insincere
hospitable rude, unfriendly
hostile friendly, cordial
huge small, tiny
humble vain, showy
humiliate honor, dignify
identical different, varied
idle busy, ambitious
ignorant knowledgeable
immaculate dirty, filthy
immature mature, adult
immune susceptible
impartial prejudiced
impatient patient
imperative unnecessary, optional
imperfect perfect, flawless
impetuous restrained, careful
important unimportant, meaningless
independent dependent, unsure
inferior superior
infuriate soothe, clam
ingenious unoriginal, dull
innocent guilty
insane sane
insufficient adequate, enough
intelligent ignorant, dense
interesting dull, boring
intermittent regular, continual
internal external, outer
intolerant understanding, accepting
intriguing uninteresting, dull
irrelevant relevant, pertinent, applicable
irritate soothe, calm
join separate, disconnect, detach
jolly sad, grim, glum
jubilant dejected, depressed
keep discard, lose
kind mean, cruel, inconsiderate
lament rejoice, celebrate
large small, little
last first, beginning
least most, maximum
legible illegible, unreadable
lenient harsh, strict
listless active, energetic
logical illogical, unreasonable
long short
loose tight
lure repel
luxurious meager, scanty
magnify reduce, minimize
mandatory optional
maximum minimum, least
meager abundant, generous
mean pleasant, nice
mediocre outstanding
mend break
migrant stationary, immovable
militant peaceful
minor major
mirth gloom, sadness
mischievous well-behaved, angelic
misfortune good luck, fortune
mobile immobile, stationary
moderate extreme, harsh
momentous unimportant, insignificant
monotonous interesting
moral immoral, unethical
morbid pleasant
morose cheerful, optimistic
mourn rejoice
mysterious obvious, known
naughty good, appropriate
neat sloppy, disorderly
negligent conscientious, careful
nervous composed, calm
neutral prejudiced, partial
new old, antique
nice unpleasant, naughty
nonchalant concerned, apprehensive
normal abnormal, unusual
numerous few, scanty
obey disobey, resist
oblivious mindful, aware
obnoxious pleasant, pleasing
observe ignore, disregard
obsolete stylish, vogue, current
obstinate maneuverable, flexible
odd usual, ordinary
offend ominous please, delight
opaque transparent, clear
open close
opponent ally, friend
optimistic pessimistic
optional required
ordinary unusual, remarkable
outrageous warranted, acceptable
outstanding insignificant, inconsequential
painstaking careless, negligent
passive forceful
past future
patience impatience
peculiar normal, conventional
perfect imperfect, faulty
permanent temporary, changing
perpetual short-lived, fleeting
persuade dissuade, deter
plausible unbelievable
plentiful scarce, insufficient
pliable rigid, closed-minded
polite rude, discourteous
poor rich, wealthy
portion whole, total
possible impossible, unachievable
precarious sure, safe
precious cheap, worthless
prejudiced impartial
premature late, delayed
premeditated spontaneous, accidental
preserve destroy, neglect
pretty homely, unattractive
prevalent uncommon, unusual
prevent permit, allow
probable improbable, doubtful
proficient inefficient, inept
profit loss
prohibit allow, permit
prominent unknown, not renowned
prompt late, slow
prosperous unsuccessful, fruitless
proud modest, ashamed
push pull
qualified unfit, unsuited
question answer
quiet noisy, rowdy
quit continue, remain
racket peace, quiet
radiant dim, not illuminated
raise lower
ratify veto, refuse
rational irrational, crazy
ravage restore, revitalize
raze build, construct
recreation work, labor
reduce increase, enlarge, amplify
refute agree, concur
regular irregular, abnormal
regulate decontrol
relentless lenient, sympathetic
relevant irrelevant, insignificant
reliable undependable, unreliable
reluctant willing, accommodating
remote close, accessible
repulsive pleasing, alluring
reputable dishonest, untrustworthy
resist comply, conform
reveal hide, conceal
ridiculous sensible, believable
risky safe, sound
rowdy well-mannered, genteel
rude polite, mannerly
sad happy, glad
same different, diverse
savage civilized, gentle, tame
save spend, discard
scarce plentiful, abundant
scrawny husky, chubby
scrupulous unethical, careless
seize release, free
separate unite, join
serene disturbed, upset
serious flighty, fickle
shrewd unthinking, careless
shy bold, aggressive
sick well, healthy
slim stout, stocky
sluggish quick, speedy
small large, important
smooth rough
sociable unfriendly, aloof
sorrow joy, ecstasy
special ordinary, usual
spontaneous planned, rehearsed
stable unsettled
stationary movable, portable
stimulate stifle, suppress
stop start, begin
strenuous effortless, easy
strict lenient
strong weak
stupid knowledgeable, smart
subsequent preceding, previous
successful failing, unsuccessful
sufficient lacking, insufficient
superb inferior, mediocre
suppress foster, encourage
surplus lack, deficit
swift slow, sluggish
synthetic natural
tall short
tangible vague, ambiguous
taut relaxed
tender harsh, rough
terrible wonderful, superb
thaw freeze
thrifty wasteful, extravagant
thrive fail, fade, shrivel
total partial
trivial important, crucial
turbulent clam, peaceful
turmoil quiet, tranquility
unbiased prejudiced, partial
upset soothe, calm
urgent unimportant, trivial
vacant filled, occupied
vague clear, definite
valiant cowardly, fearful
vibrate firm, steady
vicious kind, humane
victory defeat
virtuous sinful, wicked
vulgar refined, tasteful
wealth poverty
weary energetic, lively
wholehearted insincere
wild tame, calm
win lose
wise dull, uneducated
wonderful ordinary, blah
worn new, fresh
wrong correct, right
yield keep, retain
zenith bottom, base

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